Planning your retirement, and how to get there

Acting now will ensure that your long-term goals become a reality

Retirement planning shouldn’t be something you only consider when you’re older. Starting to plan your retirement early gives you a greater chance to build the funds you need for a comfortable lifestyle when the time comes. Acting now will ensure that your long-term goals become a reality.

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Future wealth

Ready to start investing for your grandchild’s future?

Investing in the future of your grandchildren is a great way to help them prepare for their financial needs in life. By setting aside money now, you can provide them with added security and increased opportunities in the years to come. Investing for grandchildren can be used to help fund college tuition, make a down payment on their first car or home, or even start a retirement fund.

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Protecting income

17% of self-employed workers would choose to carry on working through illness or injury

Many adults understand the need for financial resilience and taking out insurance to protect their incomes in case of sickness or accident. However, too many self-employed people do not have any cover to help them should they be unable to work and are increasingly likely to choose to carry on working despite illness or injury.

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