Seize the day

Planning for a comfortable life after years of hard work

Over time, with life expectancy and the cost of living rising, it could mean that some retirees are at risk of running out of pension income in later life. So what can you do to make sure that you have a big enough pension to meet your needs for the whole of your retirement? Continue reading “Seize the day”

Wealth sharing between generations

Redefining how millennials become more financially secure

Millennials are set to redefine how wealth is shared between generations, according to new research[1]. Contrary to expectation, it is not millennials (aged 18–34) who appear to be under the greatest financial strain, with 44% saying they are ‘comfortable’ financially. In fact, the research shows they are trying to do the right thing. Continue reading “Wealth sharing between generations”

Income seekers

Not putting all your eggs in one basket

Everybody has investment goals in their life, from the old adage of saving for a rainy day to planning a comfortable retirement. There are many reasons why investors might seek an income stream from their investments, for example, to pay for a dependant’s education, supplement a pension or fund the cost of care, yet achieving it can be hard. Continue reading “Income seekers”